16 Milton Road
Rochester, NH  03868


4 Flagg Road / Rte 125
Gonic, NH  03839


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"The Granite State's #1 Automotive Dealer"

At First City Cars and Trucks we take pride in the thousands of satisfied customers we've sold to over the past decade.  We always strive to make your car buying experience the best it can possibly be.  If you are happy, please share your experience with your family, friends, and others using one, some, or all of the links below. Thank you!

Websites Where You Can Share Your Experience with FCCT


First City Cars and Trucks was established on January 1st, 2000.  We have sold over 40,000 vehicles since our grand opening.  We have an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and have had less than 10 complaints that were all resolved and satisfied.  Those complaints represent less than .1% of our total sales.  We realize the challenge of pleasing all of our customers, but we will never give up trying! 
*Please note - First City Cars and Trucks is in NO WAY affiliated with Motor City in Rochester NH.