What's Happening
Keep man's best friend active with Acupetvet!
Keep man's best friend active with Acupetvet! Dr. Tasha Wilson at Acupetvet has practiced veterinary medicine for over 10 years and now offers additional care in the comfort of your own home. Acupetvet services include but are not limited to:
1. Acupuncture +\- Essential Oil Therapy
2. Cold Laser Therapy
3. Nutritional Consultations
4. Physical Examinations and General Consults
Like us on Facebook for a chance to win 50% off your initial consult with Acupetvet on April 1st!
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Find First City in ROCHESTER-OPOLY!!
For the first and ONLY time, the Rochester Opera House will design and release a special edition Rochester-themed board game, based on Monopoly. This professionally manufactured game centers around the City of Rochester and the people that make it such a great place to live and work!
Each space, card and playing piece will be custom made to resemble some of Rochester's greatest assets. The board and cards are lined with sponsoring businesses, organizations and landmarks from around the city. Look for First City Cars and Trucks while playing ROCHESTER-OPOLY!
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Debra just purchased her THIRD First City vehicle!
Congratulations to Debra on the purchase of her 2009 Honda Accord from our 4 Flagg Road store in Gonic! This is Debra's THIRD First City vehicle!!! Thank you Debra, we appreciate your business! Happy motoring!
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Listen to Mike's experience at First City!
Listen to Mike's experience while purchasing his 2006 Mercury Montego with John Dwyer at our 16 Milton Road store in Rochester, NH. For more videos like this one, visit our official YouTube channel.
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ATTENTION SENIORS!!! Great news!!! First City now offers a Senior Discount for those who are 65+! Stop by today and ask our non-commissioned Sales Staff for details.
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New Billboard Design - April 2nd!
Keep an eye out for our newest design coming April 2nd to our Northwood, Ossipee and Somersworth billboards! Love it or hate it? This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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